Color Accounting

Visual . Interactive . Fun

Color Accounting™ is a new approach to learning accounting and finance. Learning is hands-on, engaging and quick! ANYONE can access and understand Accounting.

Learning is hands-on, engaging and quick! ANYONE can access and understand Accounting.

All Color Accounting Workshops are now being hosted in Live/Online Sessions. 

Our Color Accounting™ program introduces you to a simple financial framework, one that provides you with a holistic view of your organization. You’ll understand the importance of connecting accounting to your business results and sound financial decisions. You will discover a holistic financial framework from which you will engage in:

  • How can I expand my business and what will forward my business results?

  • Is my business serving my purpose in life?

  • How can my business be more productive so I work less?

You will explore and discover new ways of communicating around financial matters with your partners, management team, advisors and customers. If you are a business advisor, you will discover a language that your clients understand.Participants leave Color Accounting™ having experienced accounting as simple and fun – all within a business context! You will leave in action applying the work in the program to your business’ finances.


Please visit the Public Courses page to see when and where our next public workshop will take place.

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latest updates! 

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